Pre-Sale Order Information

I placed an order for a PRE-SALE item. When will it ship?

The estimated delivery date for all pre-sale items can be found on the item's product page, below the description. Note that these dates are ESTIMATED based on the most recent information provided to us by our manufacturers and are not guaranteed. 

After the pre-sale ends, estimated shipping dates can (and often do) change, so real-time updates to estimated shipping dates can be found at our SHIP DATE CALENDAR. If the item that you're looking for doesn't appear in the current month, please scroll through the coming months until you see it.

Note that the estimated date denotes when the records are expected to BEGIN SHIPPING. You should expect to receive your order within 2-4 weeks for US delivery addresses and 4-6 weeks for foreign addresses, AFTER the estimated ship date.

I have questions about my order. Who should I contact?

Please email us HERE with any questions and be sure to include your order number. Although we do our best to answer questions on all platforms including social media, email is the best way to reach us to help ensure a timely response.